Burns makes this novel sing. Revered for
her charity work helping young, single mothers and her support of her state
senator husband, Lucinda is the grandmother we’d all love to have. Her husband’s
recent stroke has her thinking more about her son, Malachy, a music critic who
died of AIDS. Readers of Glass’s National Book Award winning novel, Three Junes, will recall Lucinda and
Malachy as well as Fenno McLeod, Malachy’s long-time friend who also reappears
in this novel. These characters lives soon intersect with Kit’s as he continues
to learn about his father’s identity and his mother’s reasons for resisting his
Kit is united with his father’s family and I felt like I was with them in their
awkward gathering with everyone jostling for position and searching for
identity in a shifting world in a setting that hadn’t changed for generations. I was deep in the rabbit hole which is why as
a reader I was utterly devastated when Glass threw in a grenade of a plot
device so abrupt and inconceivable that it made reading the last portion of the
book almost impossible. But continue to read, I did and the reward was a
sentimental, cloying ending that should have made me rejoice in what it means
to be a father, to live in an imperfect family, and to forgive but instead left
me yearning for the real Julia Glass to appear and call for a rewrite.
the title, oh, the title is a clever homage to Louis Armstrong’s “What a
Wonderful World” with “the bright blessed day and the dark sacred night.”
During couple’s therapy Fenno McLeod and his partner Walter’s therapist brings
up the song and Walter says, “Well, I am definitely the day, and boy is he ever
the night.” The therapist then notes that he must mean “that your past is like
the night: dark yet sacred.” I think Glass intended for readers to see each character’s journey as a way of honoring
the dark past and heading into the light of day but for this reader, it simply never
it Up: This novel is as uneven as a cobblestone street in an ancient Greek
city. The beginning two-thirds are vintage Glass with detailed sketches of
real people living life and trying to find answers to what it means to be a
family but the last third is its antithesis with a disastrous twist and a much-too-tidy
3 stars (The first portion of the book is a 5 but the ending barely rises to a
2 thus I’ll call it a 3.)
Fiction, Grandma’s Pot Roast
date: April 1, 2014
an Excerpt:
Others are Saying:
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